Miyabi Koto Shamisen Ensemble is a New York based group founded and headed by Ms. Masayo Ishigure. The ensemble consists of members of the Sawai Koto Academy which is one of the most prominent schools for contemporary Koto and Shamisen music. The aim of the academy is to incorporate many influences from classical to jazz and thus change the perception of the koto solely as a traditional Japanese instrument into an instrument of universal expressiveness. Since its foundation in 1996, MIYABI’s repertoire has ranged from classical to contemporary koto and shamisen music. The ensemble especially dedicates themselves to playing Tadao Sawai’s compositions. They have played many concerts in the New York Metropolitan area, the eastern United States, Hawaii, and South America. In addition, they have been introducing Japanese culture through workshops and school performances.
Performance record
2001: Los Angels
2003: Mexico
2003: Washington DC Kennedy Center Millennium Stage
2003: 2005: Smithsonian Institute Freer Gallery
2005: 2008: Brazil
2006: Smithsonian Institute Meyer Auditorium
2007: Jamaica
2011: University of Hawaii
2013: Sydney
2018: Salamanca (Gifu, Japan)
2020: Oregon
2021: Indiana
2022: Tennessee, Indiana
2023: Carnegie Hall (New York), Michigan